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Press Releases
Ohio Republican Party Statement on Joe Biden’s Withdrawal
Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement regarding the announcement that Joe Biden will no longer...
Read MoreChoose Your Bernie
COLUMBUS—As Bernie Sanders makes his way to the Buckeye State today, it is a fresh reminder of the close relationship...
Read MoreLAUNCH: Buckeye Battalion Mobilizes to Elect President Trump, Bernie Moreno, and Republicans Up and Down the Ballot in Ohio
COLUMBUS—Following a strong Statewide Call to Action over the weekend, the Ohio Republican Party is formally deploying the “Buckeye Battalion,” an...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Congratulates Congressman-Elect Michael Rulli
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement, congratulating Congressman-Elect Michael Rulli on his victory in the OH-06 Special...
Read MoreShady Sherrod Can’t Be Trusted
COLUMBUS—Since day one of the failed Biden Administration, Shady Sherrod Brown and Joe Biden have shamelessly lied to the American...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on OH Dems Circus Tour
COLUMUS—This week, the Ohio Democrat Party announced their latest circus act as they drive around the Buckeye State to try to deflect...
Read MoreICYMI… Desperate Democrats Attack Veteran for Helping Veterans
DEAR EDITOR: The recent Democrat attack against Orlando Sonza might be the laziest, most out of touch political attack I have seen...
Read MoreCan Somebody Check on the Democrats?
COLUMBUS—Yesterday, Governor Mike DeWine made it clear that Ohioans should have the opportunity to vote for their preferred major-party candidate...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Releases Statement Following Governer DeWine’s Press Conference on Biden’s Ballot Issue
COLUMBUS—Following Governor Mike DeWine’s press conference regarding the Biden Ballot Issue, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou released the...
Read MoreRFK Jr: A great alternative for far-left Democrats
COLUMBUS–This week, RFK Jr’s campaign announced that they have enough signatures to appear on the Ohio ballot. This is great news for...
Read MoreRepublicans Stand with Law Enforcement and Israel, Democrats Cave to the Radical Left
COLUMBUS—This week, countless news stories are running across the country about the growing tensions on college campuses between pro-Hamas protestors...
Read MoreOhio GOP State Central Committee Selects Jane Timken, Jim Dicke to Represent Ohio on the Republican National Committee
COLUMBUS—Today, the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee elected Jane Timken to serve as RNC National Committeewoman for Ohio and...
Read MoreThe Brown and Biden Inflation Crisis is Crushing Ohio Seniors
COLUMBUS—Rampant inflation caused by Sherrod Brown and Joe Biden’s reckless tax and spend policies continues to crush budgets for workers...
Read MoreJudge4Yourself: Inexcusable Rhetoric Clouds “Non-Partisan” Organization
CLEVELAND—Yesterday, the Ohio Republican Party sent a letter to “Judge4Yourself,” denying their request to interview the Republican candidates for Ohio...
Read MoreICYMI… Moreno: By refusing to hold a fair trial, Brown abandons Ohioans
COLUMBUS—This week, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate penned an op-ed blasting Sherrod Brown for his weakness on the border and inability...
Read More“They did it just to say they did it…..”
Democrat calls half-cocked plan to get President Joe Biden on November ballot a “Hail Mary” COLUMBUS—This week, the Ohio Attorney...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on State of the State
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou released a statement following today’s State of the State address: “Strong leadership from...
Read MoreICYMI… Triantafilou: Quinn column on Trump abrogates his newsroom’s obligation not to pick sides
This week, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou submitted a letter to Plain Dealer editor Chris Quinn in response to...
Read MoreCleveland Plain Dealer Sets Out to Destroy Trump
Sanctimonious Elitism Disguised as “Truth” By: Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou, Ohio Republican Party DEAR EDITOR: President Trump shocked the left-wing...
Read MoreChrist’s Resurrection Vs. Trans Day of Visibility
COLUMBUS—Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, the most sacred Holiday for billions of Christians around the globe, when we join together with...
Read MoreChairman Triantafilou: The Primary is Over, Time to Unite
Primary season is always an interesting time in politics. Candidates who are largely united on values and issues work hard...
Read MoreChairman Triantafilou Congratulates New RNC Chair and Co-Chair
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou joined the other members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) to choose a new...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Releases Statement Ahead of State of the Union Address
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement ahead of the State of the Union address:
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on President Trump Securing the GOP Nomination
COLUMBUS, OH—Following historic Super Tuesday victories for President Trump across the United States, Nikki Haley has announced that she will...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Releases Statement on Unanimous SCOTUS Decision to Keep Trump on the Ballot
COLUMBUS, OH—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling for Trump in...
Read MoreTriantafilou, Sonza Encourage Ohioans to “Bank Your Vote”
CINCINNATI, OH— Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou joined Congressional candidate Orlando Sonza and Hamilton County Chairman Russell Mock...
Read MoreChairman’s Update: 2/26/24
This weekend, I was proud to watch President Trump secure another major victory in South Carolina. The idea that President...
Read MoreChairman’s Update: 2/20/24
Tomorrow is the start of early voting for the March 19, 2024 Primary Election, and we need as many Republicans...
Read MoreChairman’s Update – 2/12/2024
I hope everyone had the opportunity to enjoy Superbowl Sunday with friends and family. In my mind, the end of...
Read MoreTriantafilou: Biden a Year Late and Dollar Short in East Palestine
DEAR EDITOR: Politics is everywhere, and many decisions elected officials make have at least a degree of political consideration. However,...
Read MoreTriantafilou Releases Statement on Biden’s Visit to East Palestine
COLUMBUS–Today, Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement on the announcement that Joe Biden will finally visit East Palestine: “This...
Read MoreLieutenant Governor Jon Husted Endorses President Donald J. Trump
COLUMBUS—Today, as the Presidential Primary Election officially kicks off in Iowa, Ohio Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted has cast his 2024...
Read MoreSherrod Brown Chooses Far-Left Liberals Over Police
Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, and Ohioans across the Buckeye State are reminded of the selfless sacrifice and...
Read MoreICYMI… Federal judge tosses lawsuit challenging Ohio’s voter ID law
In case you missed it… Earlier this year, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio GRANTED...
Read MoreSherrod Brown is No Friend of Law Enforcement
If you are covering Sherrod Brown’s event in Toledo today, please consider the following statement: “In 2020, Sherrod Brown claimed that policing ‘reinforces’ racism...
Read MoreSherrod Brown Has a Border Crisis of His Own
The Biden Border Crisis is nothing but embarrassing for Sherrod Brown, and dangerous for millions of American families. In his...
Read MoreDeters, Hawkins and Shanahan File Petitions for Ohio Supreme Court
COLUMBUS—Today, the Ohio Republican Party’s endorsed slate of judicial candidates—Justice Joe Deters, Judge Dan Hawkins and Judge Megan Shanahan—filed their...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Announces First Republican Debate for U.S. Senate, Hosted by Nextar Media Group
COLUMBUS—Ahead of the March 19, 2024 Primary Election, the Ohio Republican Party is working with network partners and the Republican...
Read MoreLTE: Ohio Republican Party Endorsed the Clear Choice in 2024
DEAR EDITOR: I recently read your Editorial Board Roundtable regarding the Ohio Republican Party’s endorsement of Donald Trump for President in 2024....
Read MoreCalifornia Regulations are Killing Ohio Auto Jobs
COLUMBUS—Democrats like Sherrod Brown and Marcy Kaptur have made it abundantly clear that they are ready to eliminate fossil fuels...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party 2024 Platform
Preamble We are the Ohio Republican Party. We are dedicated to the preservation of our Constitutional Republic and the Liberty...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Endorses President Donald J. Trump
COLUMBUS—Today, the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee met in Columbus, Ohio and proudly endorsed Donald J. Trump for President...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on Democrat Supreme Court Announcement
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Executive Director Cameron Sagester released the following statement regarding the ODP’s Ohio Supreme Court announcement: “With today’s...
Read MoreLTE: Biden and Brown Let Veterans Down
In his recent op-ed, Sherrod Brown claims to be a friend of veterans. The sad reality is that since Joe Biden...
Read MoreTriantafilou: Every Ohioan should vote ‘no’ on Issue 1
As an unapologetically pro-life Ohioan and Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, I personally see it as our duty to...
Read MoreLTE: Issue 1 Too Extreme for Ohio
DEAR EDITOR: Democrats and far-left abortion lobbyists would have you believe that Issue 1 is simply about codifying Roe v....
Read MoreAs Early Voting Begins, Chairman Triantafilou Urges Ohioans to “Bank Your Vote”
COLUMBUS—Today, voters across Ohio will begin to cast their ballots early, in-person and via secure absentee ballot. The Ohio Republican...
Read MoreJoe Biden Moves Forward with Trump’s “Vanity Project”
COLUMBUS—Yesterday, Joe Biden “stunned” his allies in Washington by moving forward with construction of the border wall that he also...
Read MoreOhio GOP Statement on Congressman Jordan’s Bid for House Speaker
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement regarding Congressman Jim Jordan’s bid for Speaker of the...
Read MoreDemocrats Want Zero Restrictions on Abortion
COLUMBUS–Last week, the Ohio Republican Party put out a straw Twitter poll asking which Ohio Democrat will be the first...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Pass Resolutions Against Issues 1 & 2
Columbus—Today, the Ohio Republican Party State Central Commitee formally endorsed a “no” vote on November’s Issue 2, which would legalize...
Read MoreLet’s Be Clear Where Ohio Democrats Stand on Abortion
COLUMBUS—In the coming months, Ohioans from all sides of the political spectrum are going to heavily debate the ghoulish November...
Read MoreOhio GOP Election Day Statement
COLUMBUS—As Election Day voters head to the polls to cast their ballots, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the...
Read MoreOhio GOP Statement on Democrats’ Rally with John Legend
COLUMBUS—Today, the Ohio Republican Party released the following statement on Democrats’ Rally with John Legend: “‘Ordinary people‘ will not be tricked by...
Read MoreJustin Bibb, Stop Deflecting Responsibility for Cleveland Violence
CLEVELAND—In the wake of yet another tragic shooting in Cleveland, Justin Bibb is reading from the same sheet of music...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Kicks-Off Statewide Day of Action with “Get Out the Vote” Rally
COLUMBUS—Today, the Ohio Republican Party and supporters of State Issue 1 rallied at the Ohio GOP Headquarters as part of...
Read MoreOhio GOP Statement on Joe’s ‘Bidenomics’ Failure
COLUMBUS—Today, Chairman Alex Triantafilou (tree-aun-ta-FEE-loo) released the following statement on Joe Biden’s speech in Chicago on his failed economic policies:
Read MoreLTE: For ‘more collaboration and less conflict’ Vote Yes on Issue 1
DEAR EDITOR: In a recent story, Ron Adkins states that voting ‘no’ on Issue 1 will create more collaboration and less conflict in...
Read MoreACLU Says the Quiet Part Out Loud
Ohioans understand that there is a twisted, concerted effort by the far left to remove parental rights and seize control...
Read MoreICYMI: Valley GOP rallies support for Issue 1
BOARDMAN — A few leading Ohio Republicans are urging residents to vote for a measure that promises to have a...
Read MoreICYMI… ‘It’s time to fix that:’ Republican party head urges Ohioans to vote on constitution issue
Mansfield News Journal 6/7/2023 Voting in the Ohio’s special election on Aug. 8 is “a golden opportunity,” Alex Triantafilou,...
Read MoreTo the editor: August vote protects Constitution, not violate it
To the editor: August vote protects Constitution, not violate it By: Chairman Alex Triantafilou Toledo Blade 6/1/2023 Democrats and far-left...
Read MoreLTE: Dispatch Editorial Disrespects Lawmakers, Ignores the Merits of Issue 1
DEAR EDITOR: The Columbus Dispatch’s recent editorial regarding the August 8 Special Election is a repugnant perversion of Issue 1. Rather...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Releases Statement on Issue 1
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou issued the following statement on the upcoming August 8 Special Election and Issue...
Read MoreOhio GOP Applauds House Action to Protect Ohio’s Constitution
COLUMBUS—Today, the Ohio House of Representatives held a crucial vote on Senate Joint Resolution 2 which aims to defend Ohio’s Constitution by...
Read MoreBorder Officials Brace for End of Title 42, Sherrod Brown Doesn’t “Hear Much” About Immigration
Columbus—Title 42 is set to end this Thursday, May 11, and Joe Biden’s Administration is woefully unprepared. Even Democrats are “railing” against...
Read MoreJustice Pat Fischer to Receive Top Award at Ohio Bar Association’s Annual Meeting
COLUMBUS—Today, Republican Ohio Supreme Court Justice Pat Fischer will be presented the Ohio Bar Medal, the Ohio State Bar Association’s highest honor....
Read MoreOhio GOP Endorses Justice Joe Deters, Judges Megan Shanahan and Dan Hawkins for Ohio Supreme Court
COLUMBUS—Today, the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee (SCC) voted to endorse Ohio Supreme Court Justice Joe Deters, Franklin Court of Common...
Read MoreICYMI: U.S. House of Representatives Passes Limit, Save, Grow Act
COLUMBUS—Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act. While Republicans are taking action, Joe Biden refuses...
Read MoreOhio GOP Statement on Joe Biden’s Ill-Advised Reelection Campaign
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou released the following statement regarding Joe Biden’s ill-advised reelection campaign: “Plain and simple—Joe...
Read MoreDemocrats’ Favorite Day of the Year
It’s Democrats’ favorite day of the year—Tax Day! It’s a day when far-left liberals like Sherrod Brown celebrate all the...
Read MoreOhio GOP Statement on Proposed Abortion Amendment
COLUMBUS—Today, Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement regarding the newly proposed constitutional amendment to codify the practice of killing babies in...
Read MoreSherrod Brown Continues to Lie About Social Security
COLUMBUS—It is only February of 2023, and Democrat Sherrod Brown is already lying to Ohioans to try to fill his...
Read MoreOhio GOP Releases Statement Ahead of State of the Union
COLUMBUS—Today, Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement ahead of Joe Biden’s State of the Union address: “Joe Biden’s war...
Read MoreChairman Triantafilou Releases Statement Following Historic State of the State Address
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio GOP Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement regarding Governor Mike DeWine’s historic State of the State address...
Read MoreOPINION: Congress must break permitting shackles keeping US from energy independence
Lame Duck congressional session is always met with a jam-packed agenda. As the days rapidly tick by for the 117th...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Passes Resolution Rejecting Joe Biden’s Expansion of Title IX
COLUMBUS—Today the Ohio Republican Party passed the following resolution rejecting Joe Biden’s Expansion of Title IX: Resolution to Support Parents...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Calls on Two Media Outlets and a Blog to Investigate Reporter Who Violated Ethics Rule
COLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio Republican Party today called on WCPO, WEWS and the “Ohio Capital Journal” blog to immediately...
Read MorePaduchik Releases Statement Following First U.S. Senate Debate
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement regarding tonight’s U.S. Senate debate between J.D. Vance and...
Read MoreORP Statement on Democrats’ Criticism of New Public Integrity Division
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced a new initiative to expand investigative resources & focus on election integrity. Rather than...
Read MoreOhio Democrats’ Dysfunctional Family Reunion
COLUMBUS—This weekend, Ohio Democrats are hosting a Dysfunctional Family Reunion, and we expect it will be notably similar to any other family political squabble,...
Read MoreOhio GOP Considers Formal Complaint Against Brunner Campaign for Violating Ohio Judicial Code of Conduct
COLUMBUS— Today, the Ohio Republican Party announced plans to instruct legal counsel to investigate and, based on their findings, potentially file...
Read MoreOhio GOP Statement on Democrats’ Pathetic Attempt to Take Credit for Intel
COLUMBUS—For the past week, Ohio Democrats have been desperate to take credit for Ohio Republicans’ work to land the Intel project in...
Read MoreAmy Cox’s Profanity Laced Rant
COLUMBUS—Ohio Democrats are not shy about using inappropriate, profanity laced language to try to appeal to Ohio voters. In fact,...
Read MoreFailed Mayor Nan Whaley’s Rampant Hypocrisy
COLUMBUS—Everyone knows that Nan Whaley was a complete failure for the City of Dayton. From raising taxes and fees while the city...
Read MoreElected Democrat Prosecutor in Cuyahoga County Blasts Ohio Supreme Court Ruling for Allowing Accused Murderers to Walk Free
CLEVELAND, OH—Investigative reporters from Cleveland’s Fox8 recently set out to answer a disturbing question: why are so many accused violent...
Read MoreTaylor Sappington is an Entitled Child Who Wants Ohioans to Pay his Debts
COLUMBUS—As the fallout from Joe Biden’s disastrous decision to cancel student debt mounts, Taylor Sappington made perhaps the most elitist,...
Read MoreNan Whaley Has Lost Touch with Reality
COLUMBUS—Another day, another independent poll showing Governor Mike DeWine with an over 15% lead ahead of failed Dayton Mayor Nan...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on Mar-a-Lago Raid
COLUMBUS—Today, Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement in regard to the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago: “The Biden Administration’s unprecedented...
Read More“Nan Who?” Ohio GOP Launches Website Exposing Nan Whaley’s Failures as Mayor of Dayton
COLUMBUS—A recent poll found that nearly one in three likely voters have never heard of Nan Whaley, and a Columbus Dispatch...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio Endorsing Tim Ryan
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement regarding Tim Ryan’s endorsement from the Planned Parenthood of...
Read MoreEric Holder’s Latest Attempt to Help Ohio Democrats
COLUMBUS—Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, who is the first sitting Cabinet member in U.S. history to be held in contempt of...
Read MoreTim Ryan will Say AnYtHiNg to Get Ahead
COLUMBUS—Lyin’ Tim Ryan will say absolutely anything to find his next job. Fortunately for Ohio workers, he crashed and burned...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Releases Statement on Fake Tim Ryan’s Outrageous Claims to Fox News
COLUMBUS—Today, Chairman Bob Paduchik released a statement in response to Tim Ryan’s outrageous claims in a recent Fox News article: “Fake Tim...
Read MoreCourt Dismisses Frivolous Lawsuit Against Ohio Republican Party
Columbus—Today, ORP Chairman Bob Paduchik released a statement following the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas’ dismissal of the civil...
Read MoreICYMI…. Federal Judge Eviscerates Russia Collusion Hoaxer Marc Elias For Aiming To Undermine New York Elections
In case you missed it… The Federalist recently ran an article that exposed Marc Elias for his long record of playing fast...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on J.D. Vance’s Primary Victory
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement on J.D. Vance winning the Republican U.S. Senate Primary: “Congratulations to J.D. Vance on...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on DeWine/Husted Victory in Ohio Primary
COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released a statement following Governor Mike DeWine and Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted’s strong...
Read MoreOhio GOP Statement on Eric Holder’s Latest Interference in Ohio Redistricting
Columbus, OH—Today, Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement regarding Eric Holder’s latest redistricting lawsuit: “Even before the 2018 election,...
Read MoreNational Democratic Redistricting Committee “plan to favorably position Democrats for the redistricting process”
Obama Attorney General Eric Holder and controversial attorney Marc Elias are relentless in their partisan effort to fundamentally change the...
Read MoreBrunner Campaign Misleads Public About Eric Holder Financial Ties
Yesterday, Jennifer Brunner‘s campaign released a statement that downplayed Eric Holder’s role in her 2020 fundraiser. In doing so, Jennifer Brunner is covering up the fact...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee Endorsements
COLUMBUS, OH— Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement following today’s Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee endorsements: “We are proud to...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on the Intel’s Massive Semiconductor Factory Announcement
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement on Governor DeWine and Lt. Governor Husted winning...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on the Ohio Supreme Court Redistricting Decision
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement on the Ohio Supreme Court’s redistricting decision: “It’s...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on John Cranley and Nan Whaley Running Mate Picks
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement on John Cranley’s and Nan Whaley’s far-left running...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Applauds Governor DeWine and Republican Leadership for Signing the Born Alive Act
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement on Governor DeWine’s signing into law “Regards Child...
Read MoreJustice Brunner Refusal to Answer for Significant Conflicts of Interest with Redistricting Litigants to be a Major Campaign Issue
COLUMBUS, OH—It has been nearly two months since the Ohio Republican Party brought to light Justice Jennifer Brunner’s serious conflicts...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on Tim Ryan’s Incompetent, Job-Killing Energy Policies
COLUMBUS—Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Tim Ryan’s pushing radical Green New Deal policies: “Tim Ryan long supported...
Read MoreStatement from Ohio Republican Party Chairman on VP Kamala Harris’s Columbus Public Relations Tour
COLUMBUS—Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on VP Harris using taxpayer dollars to go on a PR tour amid...
Read MoreTwo Weeks and Counting, Justice Brunner Refuses to Answer to Ohio Voters on Conflicts of Interest with Litigants
COLUMBUS, OH—It has been two weeks since the Ohio Republican Party brought to light Justice Jennifer Brunner’s serious conflicts of...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on Allison Russo’s Illegal Attack Ad
COLUMBUS, OH—Ohio Republican Party Executive Director Justin Bis issued the following statement on Allison Russo’s running an illegal attack ad,...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on Justice Brunner’s Refusal to Address Her Serious Conflicts of Interest
COLUMBUS, OH—Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Justice Jennifer Brunner’s refusal to address her conflicts of interest in...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Calls for Justice Brunner’s Recusal
Justice Brunner has significant conflicts to hearing Ohio redistricting cases COLUMBUS, OH—Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Justice...
Read MoreStatement from Chairman Paduchik on Nan Whaley’s Support of Teaching Critical Race Theory in K-12 Schools
COLUMBUS—Statement from Chairman Bob Paduchik on the U.S. Conference of Mayors, run by Nan Whaley, resolution to support the teaching...
Read MoreDoes Allison Russo Believe the U.S. Constitution is Racist?
OH-15 Voters Deserve to Know
Read MoreStatement from Ohio Republican Party Chairman Paduchik on the Democrat Advocacy Group, Ohio Citizens’ Redistricting Commission
COLUMBUS, OH— Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Ohio Citizens’ Redistricting Commission: “The biggest lie in Ohio politics...
Read MoreStatement from Ohio Republican Party Chairman on Justice DeWine’s Decision to Seek Reelection
COLUMBUS—Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Justice Pat DeWine’s reelection bid for his current Ohio Supreme Court seat:...
Read MoreORP Statement on Democrat John Cranley’s Gubernatorial Announcement
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Executive Director Justin Bis issued the following statement on Democrat Mayor John Cranley’s gubernatorial bid:...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on President Biden’s CNN Town Hall in Cincinnati
COLUMBUS, OH—Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement on President Biden’s CNN town hall in Cincinnati: “Tonight, President Joe Biden...
Read MoreStatement from Chairman Paduchik on Signing of the Most Conservative Budget in Ohio Legislative History
COLUMBUS—Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Governor DeWine’s signing of the FY2022 and FY2023 budget: “Ohio working families...
Read MoreOhio Republican Party Statement on Tim Ryan’s Demands to End the Senate Filibuster
COLUMBUS, OH—The Ohio Republican Party Communications Director Tricia McLaughlin released the following statement on Tim Ryan’s dangerous calls to end...
Read MoreORP Statement on S.1
COLUMBUS, OH—The Ohio Republican Party Executive Director Justin Bis released the following statement on the Democrats’ S.1 power grab: “Among...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on Jennifer Brunner Running for Chief Justice
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement on Jennifer Brunner, who was just elected Justice...
Read MoreStatement from Ohio Republican Party Chairman on Ohio’s Lifting of COVID-19 Restrictions
COLUMBUS—Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Governor DeWine’s announcement on the lifting of COVID-19 health orders: “Governor DeWine’s...
Read MoreORP Communications Director Tricia McLaughlin on Vice President Kamala Harris’s Visit to Cincinnati
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Communications Director Tricia McLaughlin issued the following statement on Vice President Kamala Harris’s visit to...
Read MoreORP Executive Director Justin Bis Statement on 100 Days Under the Biden-Harris Administration
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Executive Director Justin Bis issued the following statement on President Biden’s hundredth day in office:...
Read MoreChairman Bob Paduchik Statement on President Biden’s Address to Congress
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on President Joe Biden’s address to Congress: “I...
Read MoreChairman Bob Paduchik Statement on Tim Ryan’s Bid for U.S. Senate
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Tim Ryan’s announcement he is running for...
Read MoreChairman Bob Paduchik Statement on Rep. Steve Stivers Resignation from Congress
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Representative Steve Stivers announcement he is stepping...
Read MoreChairman Bob Paduchik Statement on Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley Announcing Gubernatorial Ambitions
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik issued the following statement on Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley’s running to be...
Read MoreExecutive Director Justin Bis Statement on Democrat Legislation to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Executive Director Justin Bis issued the following statement on Democrat legislation to expand the Supreme...
Read MoreChairman Paduchik Statement on U.S. Appeals Court Upholding Ohio’s Down Syndrome Abortion Law
COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released the following statement on today’s Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling...
Read MoreRecognizing the Second Anniversary of the ‘Heartbeat Bill’
Chairman Paduchik Statement on the Second Anniversary of the ‘Heartbeat Bill’ COLUMBUS, OH— Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Paduchik released...
Read MoreVivek Ramaswamy: Dear Jon Husted—Don’t Apologize
Modified Version of Op-Ed as Published in the April 4, 2021, Plain Dealer Last week, in response to former CDC...
Read MoreThe Ohio Republican Party Announces Key Hires
The Ohio Republican Party Announces the Hiring of Four Senior Staff Members COLUMBUS, OH –Today, the Ohio Republican Party announced...
Read MoreStatement by Chairman Bob Paduchik on President Biden’s Visit to Ohio
COLUMBUS, OH—”There is a crisis at our Southern border—today is not the day for a PR tour to spike the...
Read More3 Questions for President Biden During his Visit to Ohio
ORP Communications Director Tricia McLaughlin Asks President Biden the Following Questions During his Visit to Ohio What happened to the...
Read MoreStatement from Lt. Governor Husted on 2022
Statement from Lt. Governor Husted on 2022 Columbus,OH – Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted released the following statement regarding the 2022 Senate...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Regarding Senator Rob Portman’s Decision to Not Pursue Re-Election in 2022
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Regarding Senator Rob Portman’s Decision to Not Pursue Re-Election in 2022 Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Biden’s Transition to the Presidency, Looking Ahead
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Biden’s Transition to the Presidency, Looking Ahead Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Violent Protests
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Violent Protests Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken released the following statement...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Condemning the Riots Taking Place in Washington DC
– Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Condemning the Riots Taking Place in Washington DC Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman...
Read MorePress Release: Ohio Deploys Large Number of Republicans to Georgia 1/4/21
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Columbus, Ohio Monday, January 4, 2021 Columbus,OH – Ohio Republicans have continued deploying large groups of conservative allies to Georgia to aid in the Senate races of Senators Loeffler and Perdue as...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the Casting of Ohio’s Electoral College Votes 12/14/20
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the Casting of Ohio’s Electoral College Votes Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken...
Read MorePress Release: ORP Chairman Running for Re-Election
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Columbus, Ohio Friday, December 4, 2020 Columbus,OH – Chairman Jane Timken announced that she will be running for...
Read MoreORP Statement: Ohio GOP Thanks Secretary LaRose for Protecting Ohio’s Elections
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Thanking Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose for Protecting Election Security Columbus,OH – Ohio...
Read MoreORP Statement from Communications Director Evan Machan on Chairman Timken’s Whereabouts During Presidential Debate
ORP Statement from Communications Director Evan Machan on Chairman Timken’s Whereabouts During Presidential Debate Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican Party Communications...
Read MoreORP Statement Wishing POTUS & FLOTUS a Speedy Recovery
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Wishing President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump a Speedy Recovery Columbus,OH – Ohio...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman on Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination to the Supreme Court
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on President Trump’s Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court Columbus,OH...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman on Biden’s Choice for Vice President
– Statement from ORP Chairman on Biden’s Choice for Vice President – Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken released...
Read MoreStatement on the Ohio Democrats and League of Women Voters Attempts to Rig Ohio Elections
– Statement from ORP Communications Director Evan Machan on the Ohio Democrats and League of Women Voters Attempts to Rig Ohio...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the Removal of Larry Householder as Speaker, Election of New Speaker
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the Removal of Larry Householder as Speaker, Election of New Speaker Columbus,OH –...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Regarding Toledo Democrats Taken Into Federal Custody
Statement from ORP Communications Director Evan Machan Regarding Toledo Democrats Taken Into Federal Custody Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican Party Communications...
Read MorePress Release: ORP State Central Committee Resolution to Censure Matt Borges
ORP State Central Committee Resolution to Censure Matt Borges Put forth by Sarah Brown, Committeewoman from the 29th-District and...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Regarding Columbus Protests
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Regarding Columbus Protests Columbus,OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken released the following statement...
Read MorePress Release: ORP Slams Schroder as Poor Choice for OH-01
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Columbus, Ohio Wednesday April 29, 2020 ORP Condemns Socialist Tendencies of Ohio Democrat Kate Schroder Liberal Candidate’s...
Read MoreORP Statement on Dems Absurd Additions to COVID-19 Bill OP
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Regarding Democrats’ Absurd Additions to COVID-19 Bill “Sherrod Brown and Ohio Democrats continue putting...
Read MoreORP Statement on Sherrod Brown’s Refusal to Vote for Trillion Dollar Rescue Package OP
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Regarding Sherrod Brown’s Refusal to Vote for Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package “Senate Republicans attempted...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the Life of Ohio State Representative Don Manning
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the Life of Ohio State Representative Don Manning “Today, Ohio Republicans are mourning...
Read MoreORP Statement on Dangerous Rhetoric from Sherrod Brown OP
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken Regarding Dangerous Rhetoric from Sherrod Brown “Today, Sherrod Brown stated to the Columbus Dispatch...
Read MoreORP Statement on Recommendation of Postponement of Primary Election OP
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Columbus, Ohio Monday March 16, 2020 Statement from Chairman Jane Timken on Postponement of Primary Election COLUMBUS...
Read MorePress Release: Joe Dills Makes False Claims on Political Mail, ORP Issues Cease and Desist
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Columbus, Ohio Wednesday March 11, 2020 Joe Dills Makes False Claims on Political Mail, ORP Issues Cease...
Read MoreStatement: Chairman Jane Timken on Senator Brown’s Divisive Rhetoric
Statement from Chairman Jane Timken on Senator Brown’s Divisive Rhetoric “By spewing a false and damaging narrative about our elections...
Read MoreStatement: ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Presidents’ Day
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Presidents’ Day Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken released the following statement...
Read MorePress Release: ORP Announces Judicial Fundraising Strength of Conservative Ohio Supreme Court Candidates
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Columbus, Ohio Friday January 31, 2020 ORP Announces Judicial Fundraising Strength of Conservative Ohio Supreme Court Candidates:...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the March for Life
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the March for Life Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken released the...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Communications Director Evan Machan Regarding Senate Vote on USMCA Trade Deal
Statement from ORP Communications Director Evan Machan Regarding Senate Vote on USMCA Trade Deal Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Communications Director...
Read More2020 Ohio Republican Party Primary Candidates Endorsement List
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Columbus, Ohio Friday January 10, 2020 PRESS CONTACT: Evan Machan: 513-262-4501 ORP Announces List of Endorsed Candidates...
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the House Impeachment Vote Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken released the...
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on the Democrats’ Public Impeachment Hearings “The Democrats’ impeachment charade continues to drag on...
Read MorePress Release: Justice French Files for Re-Election to the Ohio Supreme Court
Justice French Files for Re-Election to the Ohio Supreme Court COLUMBUS – Justice Judi French filed petitions today...
Read MorePress Release: Justice Kennedy Files for Re-Election to the Ohio Supreme Court
Justice Kennedy Files for Re-Election to the Ohio Supreme Court COLUMBUS – Justice Sharon L. Kennedy filed petitions...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on RNC Exec Committee Resolution
Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken released the following statement on the RNC resolution condemning the impeachment...
Read MoreStatement from ORP Communications Director Evan Machan on the Democrats’ Impeachment Vote
Statement from ORP Communications Director Evan Machan on the Democrats’ Impeachment Vote Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Communications Director Evan...
Read MoreORP Statement on Democrat Presidential Debate at Otterbein
Statement from ORP Press Secretary Elizabeth Giannone – 9/13/19 Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Press Secretary Elizabeth Giannone released the following...
Read MoreStatement on Women’s Equality Day
Statement from ORP Chairman Jane Timken on Women’s Equality Day – 8/26/19 Columbus, OH – “Today, we celebrate 99 years since the...
Read MoreORP Statement on Second Round of Democrat Presidential Debates
Statement from ORP Communications Director Evan Machan Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Communications Director Evan Machan released the following statement on...
Read MoreORP Statement on Kirsten Gillibrand’s visit to Ohio
Statement from Communications Director Evan Machan Columbus, OH – Ohio Republican Party Communications Director Evan Machan released the following statement on Kirsten...
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DeWine Cleaned up Cordray’s Messes and Made Ohio a Model for the Nation
News broke today that the state of Washington is looking to Ohio as a model for clearing its rape kit backlog....
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ORP Calls on Cordray to Take Position on Medicare for All
National Democrats campaigning for Richard Cordray are shifting their stances to support Bernie Sanders’ single payer healthcare plan. One week ago...
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New Kathleen Clyde campaign slogan: I’ll break my oath of office!
After yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling that Ohio’s law for removing inactive voters from the rolls is legal, Democrat candidate for...
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Ohio’s Jobless Rate Hits 17-Year-Low Under Republican Leadership
News broke today that Ohio’s jobless rate hit a 17-year-low in April, reminding us of how far we’ve come since the...
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Statement from Chairman Timken on May 8 Primary Election Victories
The following statement may be attributed to Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken. “By nominating Mike DeWine, Jim Renacci and...
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Happy Tax Day – Ohio Democrat Party Staffers Receive Up to $2,900 More This Year Than Last
For months, Sherrod Brown and the Ohio Democrat Party have demonized and demagogued the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. They claim...
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Cordray funneled $43 Million to Obama, Clinton PR firm as CFPB Director
Did you know that as Director of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB), Richard Cordray funneled $43,453,250 to an Obama, Clinton...
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Sherrod Brown’s countdown to tax day
Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown’s favorite day of the year, tax day, will be here before we know it. To help...
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Chuck Schumer’s Batboy
As President Trump visits Richfield, Ohio to discuss his $1.5 trillion dollar plan to rebuild our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, Chuck...
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Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that a question on citizenship status will be reinstated on the 2020 decennial census...
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Do Ohio Democrats Agree with Hillary?
Sherrod Brown and Ohio Democrats have refused to denounce Hillary Clinton’s absurd statements last week, which demeaned Ohio voters and...
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Do Ohio Dem Gov candidates support Tom Steyer’s left-wing agenda?
Last night, far left California billionaire Tom Steyer held an event in Columbus where he pushed his radical anti-jobs policies...
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Sherrod Brown doesn’t care about Hillary’s attack on Ohioans
When Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager says “Look, this was bad. I can’t sugarcoat it,” you know she really stepped in...
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Hillary Clinton just called Ohioans “backwards”
We already knew that Hillary Clinton thought Ohioans were “deplorables,” but yesterday she threw another jab at the Buckeye State by...
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Hillary v. Bernie 2.0
Tonight, the Democrat candidates for Governor will debate for the first time since Dennis Kucinich and Richard Cordray entered the race....
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Democrat Candidate for Treasurer Funded by Outside Money
Democrat candidate for Ohio Treasurer Rob Richardson knows that his far-left ideals will not win votes in Ohio, so he’s...
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Mike DeWine’s Actions Deliver Justice for Rape Victims
Mike DeWine just announced that his office has completed the testing of nearly 14,000 formerly shelved rape kits. As a...
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Will Richard Cordray Continue to Embrace Radical Leftist Keith Ellison?
Richard Cordray’s ties to DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison has raised new questions surrounding his gubernatorial campaign in Ohio. A...
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When Nancy Pelosi says tax reform bonuses are nothing but “crumbs,” Sherrod Brown nods in agreement. However, if you ask...
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Kathleen Clyde puts dollars over domestic abuse
A recent fundraiser for Democrat Kathleen Clyde was hosted by a man with a domestic violence conviction. Louis Giavasis, who currently...
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Shifty Sherrod Brown slanders the White House
Less than a week after appearing on Fox News to claim he wants to work with the White House, Sherrod Brown slandered the...
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